Group News

ECS (PAED) Travel Grant

Krishnan and his graduate student Charuksha Walgama are grateful to the Physical and Analytical Electrochemistry Division (PAED) of the Electrochemical Society for selecting them to receive travel awards to attend and make podium presentations in the 228th ECS Meeting, October 11-15, 2015 in Phoenix, Arizona. (Sep. 2015)

Congratulations Charuk

Congratulations to Charuk on being selected as a Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Scholar by the School of Entrepreneurship, Spears School of Business (July 2015)

Congratulations Cassandra

We wish all the best to Cassandra for successfully transitioning to the Veterinary Graduate School, Oklahoma State University (Aug. 2015)

Congratulations Mayowa

Congratulations to Mayowa for being selected for and successfully completing the “The Summer Medical and Research Training (SMART) Program 2015” hosted by the Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX (July 2015).

Congratulations Charuk

Congratulations to Charuk on being selected for the Distinguished Graduate Fellowship Award for the 2015-16 academic year by the OSU Foundation and Graduate College. This is a prestigious award and very competitive to obtain at OSU (Aug. 2015)