
Dr. Sadagopan Krishnan
Office: PS 450
Phone: (405) 744-5946

Group News

Gopan Krishnan



Sadagopan Krishnan, Ph. D.
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK - 74078.

Ph. 405-744-5946
Fax. (405) 744-6007









Education/Professional Training

Ph.D., 2010, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA.

Postdoctoral Research, 2010-2012, Oxford University, U.K.

Visiting Scholar, 2019, University of California San Diego, USA. 



  • Holistic Science Award 2020 (Oklahoma State University)
  • Sigma Xi Young Investigator Award 2015 (Oklahoma State University Chapter)
  • Nominee - Bioanalysis Young Investigator Award 2011, Future Science Ltd., London, UK.
  • Electrochemical Society Summer Fellow 2007 (J. W. Richards summer fellowship)
  • Travel award, Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division of the ECS, to attend the 228th ECS meeting, Arizona, USA (Oct. 2015)
  • Got selected to attend the Workshop for New Faculty in Organic and Biological Chemistry, Dallas, TX (Aug. 2015)
  • Got selected (National-level) to attend the Cottrell Scholars Collaborative (CSC) New Faculty Workshop, Washington, D.C. (25-27 July 2013)
  • EPSRC funded Postdoctoral Fellowship (Oxford Univ., July 2010 - 2012)
  • Research Assistantship (NIEHS, NIH), Univ. of Connecticut (2006 – 2010)
  • Teaching Assistantship, Univ. of Connecticut (2005 – 2006)
  • Travel Award to attend the 37th ACS-Northeast Regional Meeting at Potsdam, NY, USA (June 2010)
  • Travel Award from the Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division of ECS, USA, to attend the 215th ECS meeting in San Francisco, CA (May 2009)
  • Travel Award from the Society of Electroanalytical Chemistry, USA, to attend the Pittcon 2008 in New Orleans, USA (March 2008)
  • Graduate school fellowship to Organize a symposium at the 236th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia (P.A.), USA (Aug. 2008) [Symposium Title: “Transitioning into Green Chemistry”]
  • Travel Award from the Physical & Analytical Electrochemistry Division of ECS, USA, to attend the 211th ECS meeting in Chicago, USA (May 2007)
  • Gold Medal for Ranking First in Master of Science (Chemistry Major)


Research Interests

  • Clinical Biosensors/Arrays
  • Point-of-care methods
  • Biocatalysis
  • Biomarker validation
  • Novel Anticancer drug screening arrays
  • Bioelectrochemistry
  • Biological fuel-cells


 Our research would not be possible without the invaluable funding support from: 

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